Fai Chun (Vertical) - Illustration Chinese New Year Red Banner


Chinese New Year Red Banner (Fai Chun) is a decoration for Lunar New Year. We put Fai Chun on the walls to bring fortune for ourselves and family. It's a time to make a wish for all year round.

Choices of vertical Chinese New Year Banner
- < Delightful and Prosperous life 生活美滿 > New
- < Follow One’s Heart 隨心所欲 > New
- < Have a good harvest year 滿足豐收>

- < Peaceful and worry-free 安然無憂>
- < Dreams come true 美夢如願 >

- < Joyful and as desired (doggy) 喜樂如意(小狗)>
- <Remain at Ease 快樂逍遙>
- <Joyful and Well-being (yellow flower) 喜樂如意 (小黃花)>

- <Fortune and Light-hearted 幸福悠然>
- <Sleep Tight 好夢圓圓>
- <Home Sweet Home 家好和美>
- <Everyday a Good Day 日日好日>

/ Product Details /
**Size** | 105 x 270 mm
**Paper** | 325g Art Paper ( paper card with good texture )
**Printing** | hp indigo 6-color printing
**Features** | Chinese Calligraphy embossed in rose gold
